Wednesday, July 24, 2019, 8:43 am
Evading consequences

You must learn to govern your passions. They will be your undoing.
The adventure of having a roommate continue. I find it truly amazing how society, government, life has failed this girl, yet somehow she perseveres... all the while hating life.
Interestingly, the more I learn, the more questions I have. Then again, isn’t that how life works out?
How is it possible for anyone to continue to enjoy a life with no consequences for their choices? Or relatively few? Perhaps God does exist?
This week, I have learned:
- My roommate has never finished a first week of work without, at best, calling out at least once, nor, at worst, falling out/ejecting from the job completely.
- Even when you have nothing but time, it is acceptable to evade responsibility because “nobody has time for that.”
- Getting paid nothing to do nothing is better than not getting paid enough to “catch attitude.”
- “Feeling some type of way,” apparently trumps any reason to follow through.
- Desperation erases all boundaries when mistakes are made.
- Failing getting what you want, there is always some way to NOT be held accountable for your actions.
As one who’s on a mission to improve my life, it is downright shocking to see how someone who has failed to set a bar on life—at all—manages to slip through the cracks in society. Yet, I get it. Society, government, life doesn’t want to deal with some (most?) people. As long as the offenses are minor, why not allow so many to get away with so much? As long as they are a burden to someone and not on the state dole, why not?
What does all of this mean for the newly-crowned “provider” who is still trying to pursue his dreams? Ultimately, time will tell. At this moment, progress has slowed to a crawl on the purge. I’m hemorrhaging money and resources on both things I require to move forward, and keeping my roommate simply going.
As long as I persist, and don’t start “feeling some type of way,” I shall persevere. I must.

Eric Burdon and War
Eric Burdon Declares “War”