Friday, June 21, 2019, 7:26 am
Seeking quiet

All I want is a place to sit in silence and reflect. Yet, how do I find such a place?
It is true, there are consequences for all of our decisions. I agreed to allow my sister to stay in my home to get her life together. At the time, I suspected our lifestyles were polar opposites—suspicions which have been since confirmed—and now I find I’m spending less and less time every day in my own sanctuary.
Everyday, I commit to designing the life I want. However, this decision has me frantically looking for an exit.
What is my exit strategy? How do I get back to, well, me?
This. This is stealing my focus from things that used to matter to me.
Or is it?
My focus frequently circles back around to freedom. Freedom from poor decisions made in my younger years. Freedom to live the life I want. Freedom to discover the world. Freedom to discover women.
Freedom to discover myself.
While it is tempting to let this setback get me down, perhaps it’s an opportunity to refocus. To combine the goals.
To accelerate the game plan. If I no longer have a place to live here, she will have to figure it out faster.
Or not. Either way, she’ll have to push on without depending on me. Someone who never wanted a dependent.
Opportunity. That’s the ticket.
It is time to brainstorm the exit strategy. To move towards the life I want.