Friday, June 14, 2019, 1:38 pm
Moving forward

A couple of weeks ago, a friend sent me a quote.
Life is a dick. Sometimes it gets hard for no reason.
So true! Ever since returning from my Wyoming adventure, my life has become—well, chaotic. I made a decision, alluded to in the last post, that is wreaking havoc with my life. Correction, the comfort levels in my life.
I have never been so uncomfortable in my life. Or so exhausted. Yet, that may be a good thing.
Yet, I must remember:
Stable is that step backwards between successful and failing.
So, it is time to run with this.
Let me explain. I decided to let my stepsister move in with me temporarily/quasi-permanently to give her a fresh start. In the two short weeks she’s been here, she feels safe, she’s found a job, and she’s starting to believe in herself again. She’s getting the opportunity she was not able to find in the small town she was raised in, and that she eventually burned every bridge in—merely because she was never able to escape any of the judgments of her past.
Okay, I’m not naïve. It is very possible that is not the only reason. Yet everyone deserves another chance. A real one
So, it’s time to run with this.
At this moment, she wants to be better. She wants to work. She wants to make some money. She wants her own place. She wants her own car. She wants to be getting closer to goals again.
And my life? Well, such that it is, I can give her the support she needs. I see some of myself in her. Maybe, just maybe, helping her will give me that kick in my ass to help myself.
She is aware of my goals. She knows I want to be better—and that I want my own life back. She wants to keep moving forward, and not hold me back. She knows I intend to be gone by this time next year.
So, right now, we’re rocking the good days. And taking it one day at a time. I’m investing in her, and ready to invest in myself again.
As exhausted as I am, and as much as I’m craving my solitude... karma seems to be indicating I am doing a good thing.
As long as we keep moving forward. Making progress. One day at a time.

Cliff Richard
I’m Nearly Famous