Wednesday, May 15, 2019, 8:23 am
Give v. Take

So, how do you deal with the takers in your life? Or the matchers?
What is it about people, anyway? I don’t recall where I first heard/read it, but there’s some truth to the old chestnut, “Life would be better without (other) people.”
Although, it may be incredibly boring.
Anyway, back to those takers... I get that people are hard wired to want, want, want. Plus, it only gets worse when their needs are met. There’s always a another mark. Always someone to take advantage of.
I suppose this provides givers with their station in life.
Yet even givers value their friendships. And good friendships are hard to find. Perhaps introverted givers have an even harder time.
I do not know how to manage friendship with someone I can always count on, yet rarely need favors from, and who consistently and persistently need something. Little things here. Little things there. Always small enough to barely detect the hint of manipulation.
Yet exhausting nonetheless.
How do I deal?
Perhaps life would be so much easier without other people...

Dave Mason
Let It Flow