Thursday, April 18, 2019, 8:27 am
Don't be a ghost

There’s something to be said for going through the discomfort of ending a relationship—no matter what type of relationship it is.
That something? Certainty.
I was listening to my iPod the other day and a song came up I hadn’t heard in a minute. This line jumped out at me:
Don’t be a ghost—forever and ever left to haunt me.
Yet ghosting is incredibly trendy right now.
Why? Does it make you feel better?
My recent snack and I grew close in a short time. Then she was gone. A ghost.
Am I obsessed? Oh, it’s possible. My mind keeps searching for ways to close that loop... yet there’s that battle raging inside, because I know it likely will not help. I’m a master at miscommunication. It can only get worse.
Yet there’s evidence on social media, buzz around town, and, of course, the rumor mill, that indicate she’s obsessed with me as well.
Maybe I’m mistaken, but I believe it will be so much easier to clarify what happened than to go through the agony of uncertainty and speculation.
Seriously, if you’re reading this, and you have a problem with me—tell me. Bring it to me. At the least, I will listen and acknowledge your issue. We’ll either resolve it, or we’ll agree to disagree and go our separate ways.
I don’t know who you’ve dealt with in the past, but I am not like other men. I’m not manipulative, nor am I toxic. Yes, I make mistakes. Yes, I say the wrong thing sometimes.
If you’re a part of my life, know that I genuinely care about you. Yet, if you want to leave, I will wish you well and go on my way. Good-bye.
Enough with this “haunting” bullshit.

Natasha Bedingfield