Tuesday, February 26, 2019, 12:58 pm
Thank you, next

So, there’s this girl.
She is, quite possibly, the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life. She’s so beautiful it actually hurts to look at her.
And she’s friendly. She can strike up a conversation with anyone. Her smile lights up the room!
And she’s adventurous. She isn’t afraid of anything, and as a hobby travels around the world with a backpack—alone.
Did I mention how beautiful she is? I dare your pulse not to race when she walks in wearing a sweater and jeans.
And she’s petite. She’s fun-sized. Not just fun-sized, she really is a lot of fun too.
We actually went out. It was a great time! I enjoyed getting to know her!
And she’s generous. She spent the holidays in Mexico, and even brought me back something!
And she texted me on my birthday, from Mexico. So she’s really pretty sweet.
My friends, both guys and girls, are in awe. I’ve been told she’s the total dime.
After getting to know her, I don’t really like her. Not in that way, at least.
God knows, I’m attracted to her... and when we talk, I occasionally see the signs that she’s attracted to me.
But, outside of the attraction, I don’t really like her. Something’s. Just. Off.
I’ve seen the warnings: never date an adventurer. Yet, I’m an adventurer at heart too!
So, what is it? I don’t know.
Maybe it’s a sign I’m evolving? One life coach once said you’re growing up when you experience the mind shift from “Does she like me?” to “Do I like her?”
Weird, eh?
It’s not you, it’s me. Thank you, next.

Ariana Grande
thank u, next