Sunday, October 28, 2018, 6:47 pm

Ever have one of those days where the last thing you want to do—is anything?
Life still feels pretty empty. I’m drifting somewhere between almost getting it together and totally wrecked.
I know it’ll take time. Will it get easier? Honestly, I don’t know.
It feels so much harder than when I lost Aspen, but I think I have figured out why: when it was Aspen’s time, Cordelia was there for me. There were a LOT of hugs and kisses and walks and rides and more.
Cordelia was my rock. I didn’t realize it until she was gone. Now, all I want is my dog back.
I need to get it together. I need to accept she’s gone and move on. But, I need to let it take time. It won’t happen overnight...
But it will happen. Sure, it’ll still hurt, but at least I’ll be able to function again.