Sunday, June 3, 2018, 12:37 pm
Never bionic

One of the hardest moments I have to face in adulting, is that I will never be Steve Austin.
I’ve been fascinated with improvement via science and technology since I was a child. Shows like The Six Million Dollar Man, The Bionic Woman, Knight Rider, etc., etc. just blew me away. Here we have a person, who suffered a tremendous accident, yet is now... better. Here we have a car, that hardly needs its driver (more on this topic later...).
Pretty cool stuff. An early dream was to become an electrical engineer... perhaps to make some of this stuff reality.
Even today, when injured, my childlike mind echoes those bionic sounds whenever I power through the weakness and the rebuild.
I don’t know how much of a reality bionics are today. I suppose I could look it up, but as I’m becoming more “vintage,” I long for a bionic eye, with which to see again, and a bionic ear, to hear EVERYTHING, and a pair of bionic legs, just to run tirelessly.
Realistically, financially, and probably, none of this is in my future. A harsh realization, to be sure, and I’m not even sure why?
After all, life will kill you.
Even if i could replace extremities with technology and near immortality... that immortality will still be fleeting. And who wants to live forever anyway?
Yet... it would be nice to have to be able to buy that kind of super strength, speed, and acuity.
Perhaps I shouldn’t give up that dream just yet.

Nothing But Thieves
Broken Machine