Thursday, April 5, 2018, 9:58 am
Become her fantasy

What do you want?
This is the question that has plagued me for weeks. Months. Years. Decades? Eons?
Well, I’m figuring it out. Thanks to my crazy, fickle, Italian girl, I’m figuring it out.
And thanks to this book. Easily the best book I have ever read. It’s not often a book inspires me to become the character within... but this one does.
I want to be a student of women.
I already have this effect on women. I’m too easy to fall in love with.
Until they get to know me, then I’m even easier to fall out of love with. Yet, I can fix that.
All I need to do is focus on my breathing, get out of my head, and be aware and present. It really is that simple.
Of course, that doesn’t necessarily translate into easy.
I have to believe that it is not too late. I have to believe that this old dog can learn new tricks. I have to believe that after a lifetime, yes LIFETIME, of thinking about every little thing I can focus on her. On what’s going on around us.
All women will know and appreciate the new me. Charming and delightful? You bet your ass!
I will become her fantasy.
After all, if she isn’t fantasizing about me... why isn’t she?
The answer to that question tells me what I need to fix in my life.
Let’s dig in.

MCMXC a.d.