Saturday, March 10, 2018, 12:47 am
She's a Beauty

This week has certainly had it’s ups and downs.
Sunday, I had a brunch date with a beautiful girl. We had a lively discussion about life, travel, careers, and things, and I left feeling inspired. Spending time with her makes me want to be better—not just for her (or us), but for myself.
You know, one of those connections where you realize a bit of what you consider “important,” is really just unnecessary bullshit?
Afterwards, we walked around uptown and window shopped, all the while connecting... until we each had things to do and parted ways.
Monday, that connection deepened as I taught her what the word “fickle” meant—while telling her she is.
Tuesday morning, I awoke to a house with no heat, and no time to get someone in here to correct the issue. It ended up being a great day to work a double-shift. While working, she sent me a deep, heartfelt message about what discovering she’s fickle means to her.
Wednesday ended up being a shit-show at work, after which returning to a cold house didn’t help. Watching a couple episodes of Cheers, however, did. As did Thursday, a fantastic... albeit uneventful... day.
Then, late Friday evening she messaged me to let me know she wanted to meet up for a drink. I picked the place, and we met up. Everything is there. The way she looks at me. The way she touches me. The way she leans into me when I touch her. The lively conversation continues. The deepening connection continues.
This girl. She’s awakening hope within me. She’s awakening dreams.
Finally, once again, I’m inspired. I want to be a better person. For me. For her. Hell, for all the wonderful people in my life.
But mostly for me.
Even if this relationship stalls, I’m grateful she’s awakened inspiration in my life.
Now I owe it to myself to keep it alive and act on it.

The Spinners