Monday, February 26, 2018, 1:15 pm
Agonizing over stupid sh*t

On occasion, it becomes clear to me there are still areas in which I need to grow. For instance, I relate too much with Mark Wahlberg’s character in The Big Hit.
I still want everyone to like me.
Why am I so deterred by confrontation? Or even the possibility of confrontation? Seriously!
I’ve been working at a restaurant part time since last summer. I’ve enjoyed it, met a lot of cool people, even discovered I have a flair for the job. Some of these friendships, I’m certain, will last a long time.
Yet, now I’m too busy. It’s time to step back and free up some time.
So, I decided to quit that job.
People quit jobs every day. Most people don’t have a problem doing it. Hell, in this industry most people just stop showing up.
I don’t want to do them dirty like that. Guess you could say I was raised better than that. You turn in the notice. Give them time to find a replacement. Be willing to accept the possibility you’ll be removed from the schedule.
So, riddle me this: why have I been agonizing over doing this since making the decision two weeks ago?
Since starting down this career path, I’ve been enjoying a relatively stress-free life. Free from illness. Free from sleeplessness (mostly).
Until two weeks ago. Since then, I’ve been enduring the cold from hell. So, why is telling someone, “I quit,” creating so much stress?
Guess we all have our weaknesses.
I’m aware of the issues my departure will create... it’s the inner manager in me. Yet, this isn’t my circus, not my monkeys.
How do I evolve past that?