Saturday, December 2, 2017, 11:09 am
The silly season has begun.

For many, many years, I have dreaded the silly season. That saccharin-sweet window between Thanksgiving and Valentine’s. Love blah blah blah.
Well, this year, I endeavor to look at the season with a bit more lightness.
Life is good. Anything that suggests otherwise is merely in my head. I just need to remind myself that everyday starts anew—that the struggle of that realization begins fresh each day.
And on those bad days? Well, I’ll just remind myself when I wake to smile. Fake it ’til I make it.
Who knows? Life has some amazing potential. Great things are headed my way, and I’m finally ready to pull my head out of my ass and make those things reality.
Stay tuned.

Swing Out Sister
It's Better to Travel