Thursday, November 30, 2017, 5:38 am
Hell hath no fury...

Inappropriate relations. It’s the new buzz word. It’s all the rage. It’s code word for sex.
What are inappropriate relations? What qualifies?
In today’s world, that’s pretty grey. And bound to get greyer.
As we as a society get smarter, we’re also expected to adhere to guidelines—which we may (or may not) know all of the rules and details hidden within.
And no matter just how unnatural these guidelines become.
Why unnatural?
Because these social justice warriors are forgetting about human nature. They believe that through the intelligence of our species, we can somehow CONTROL human nature. We can shut that shit down and not give in to our whims.
Somehow, people believe that through our intelligence we can deny our instinctual programming. That our prime directive, ingrained, at birth, is to survive and replicate.
And somehow, we’re going to think ourselves into extinction.
To survive, to replicate, a man will continue to think about sex every few seconds. He will imagine that beautiful girl without clothing. The flush of her skin, the softness of her breast, the curve of her lower back, the feeling of entering her.
Yet, attraction isn’t a choice—in either direction. She’s thinking about someone else. Someone she’s infatuated with. A movie star, whose appearance in an early morning YouTube view inspired her to wear that red lipstick. That unattainable celebrity that drives the wild passions within her... is... not... him.
But, she sees him every day. She smiles at him, tends to like his company, asks questions indicating that she’s interested in him and his life. Hell, they even spend quality time together, talking about the state of the world over Asian fusion and cocktails.
So, today, she looks extra fine. He thinks it may just be because she’s into him. After all, she’s feeling those urges to replicate as well. Instinctually, she wants a real man to prove himself worthy, to pass all of her tests and NOT put up with ALL of her bullshit, to seduce her, enter her, and put that baby inside her.
It’s too bad that “he” in her mind is not him. Nevertheless, he’ll sense that she’s particularly frisky today—she’s still thinking about that hunk in the video this morning that makes her wet. No matter how many chodes have hit on her today, she keeps returning to that feeling she felt this morning, when she glammed up. She keeps trying to regain that feeling anyway.
And unknowingly, he’s chode number 1,254 today who noticed how beautiful she looks today. He tells her, and she appears shocked. Shocked is good, so he continues. He lets it all out and tells her his true feelings.
She loses her shit. No, not literally.
She feels betrayed, because he was her neutered BFF. He was the one she could count on. Now he’s made that inappropriate suggestion. But he wasn’t the one she wanted... in that moment. And he ruined it, the dumb bastard, because he wanted her.
Fast forward seven years—the two of you are no longer friends, but both of you work for the same company. His cool-headedness and natural talent have allowed him to excel in your field and advance. She’s good at what she does, but not quite as good as he.
She has an ace up her sleeve though. She wants his success. She remembers how close you both once were, but how he ruined it... with sex. The sex got in the way. How inappropriate.
The world must know! That chode they’re about to promote over her once tried to seduce her! Damn human nature... he MUST have known I wasn’t interested. There was nothing about him I was drawn to, but he suggested we get together and do bad things. Tell the world. Get that promotion.
Did he touch her tits? Maybe. Was he horny and wanting in her pants? Probably. Again, it’s human nature. To deny that the sexes have frequent sexual thoughts about the opposite sex—is ludicrous.
Sex is the most natural thing. Yet this war on men and their “inappropriate behavior” will result in phasing sex out. By hitting men where it counts. Everything he does, he does for sex with a woman. This is why status matters so much. Yet she will always envy his status—again, nature at it’s savage best. And she will ruin him.
Over a mistake where he advanced, and she didn’t want him to.

Michael Jackson