Sunday, October 8, 2017, 11:13 am
Church of the numbed mind

Television is society’s addiction
Never have I ever lived anywhere that so many people are so dependent on television. The few remaining sanctuaries continue to dwindle.
My current favorite coffee shop installed one a few weeks ago. Always on. Mindless droning of headline news and sports. It’s like people in this area of the world cannot live without it.
A wise man once said, “If you spend more than two hours a week watching television, your life is passing you by.”
Let that sink in for a minute. Profound, isn’t it? It’s so true!
Yet, here it doesn’t seem to matter. Here they spend more than two hours a night, four or five nights a week watching college basketball. I honestly don’t get it.
It falls back to what I’ve discovered on awareness—something I AM making progress on in my life. More and more people in the world are asleep. Society uses television and social media to keep them asleep.
After all, why should an individual think? Especially when society and the media can do their thinking for them. Keep the masses polarized. Keep them divided. Small groups have no strength.
They remain asleep.
People will not realize the power they hold within them to accomplish ANYTHING! People can remain unmotivated and lazy, and let society continue to take care of them and tell them what they need.
No wonder no one knows what they want. Sure, the television shows them what they can have, but also provides an outlet to live vicariously... and consume enough of your time and resources to ensure you can never have what you want.
Headline news, collegiate and professional sports, video games, reality programming. Imagine, if you will—if you CAN, for a moment, a world without it. What can you do? What dreams can you reach? How much time will you have?
What do you want?
Expanding on yesterday’s point as well... it’s not wonder no one is interesting anymore. How many people do you know who talk about television shows? With such passion and fervor? And those video games? How exciting!!
Horse shit.
There is so much more in the world than what entertains numbs our minds on the television.
Everyone should switch it off. Strive to become interesting. Strive to actually make a difference in this world. For yourself. Escape Huxley’s Brave New World and create your own.
Do it.

Empire of the Sun
Two Vines