Thursday, August 31, 2017, 10:49 am
Eighteen Ninety-Three

Do you like Pepsi?
My obsession over the last 18 months—since it became SO hard to find Wild Cherry Pepsi made with real sugar—is with their new-ish offering: 1893.
For the record, I’m talking about the Original and the Ginger colas. The two they added to the lineup this year are total shit... although they may go well with alcohol. I’m not going to find out unless someone buys me one.
So, today I was inspired to Google the 1893. The Google did support some of the trivial knowledge I was holding onto: Pepsi quasi-originated in 1893 as “Brad’s Drink,” 1893 is formulated to pay homage to the original recipe, and it is a unique, wonderful taste that likely mixes well with whiskey.
I’m honestly shocked I haven’t tried that yet, whiskey drinker that I am. Yes, I imagine a good rye whiskey. Perhaps Angel’s Envy Rye, or some Union Horse Reunion, or even Bulleit... in a pinch.
I did find this review on 1893, which shared my sentiments:
I assume the slight taste difference is from the aromatic bitters and the natural kola nut extract, but I’m not gonna lie about knowing exactly what those taste like. I’ve never even seen a kola nut. Anyone who takes a sip of this and says “I can definitely taste the natural kola nut extract” is a try hard and you shouldn’t be their friend.
And that ginger version? As a huge fan of ginger beer, 1893 Ginger will give Cock n’ Bull a good run for your money. Well, my money, at least. Now I wonder how this will taste in a Moscow Mule...
My biggest complaint about the 1893? Around here it is only sold in singles. Averaging a buck and a half to two bucks. Apiece.
Yet I’m certain I’ve spent around $2,000 on this product since it’s launch in early 2016.
Pepsico! Package these, please, and save me a little money. I have proven my dependence on this product, just saying.
The Amazon tells me 12-packs exist, but the shipping on liquids is cost-prohibitive. Why don’t they exist in Target? Seriously?
I suppose, in the end, it doesn’t matter. I’ll consume this... until it disappears. That day will truly be the end of the world.

Fleetwood Mac