Wednesday, August 30, 2017, 10:04 am
Return to the wilderness

Late last night, I received a visit from an old friend. She kept me up late, reminding me of choices made in the past, offering some encouragement about what’s coming up in the future, and providing some clarity on where I’m at currently.
She helped me compile a list of wants. It is a great starter list. Do some items seem crazy? Perhaps, but they are attainable.
Unfortunately, she brings her share of doubt to the table. Hill (and most of the authors I’ve read recently) advises eradicating doubt, fear and indecision. In bed last night, my mistress shared some of her fears and doubts, yet I was able to reach a decision on one thing.
You have to start somewhere, right?
Right before she crawled out of my bed, right before I fell asleep, I opened the Notes app on my phone and added a single word—wilderness.
In that instant, I remembered the journey. That I’m currently in the wilderness.
My current position is not on the path. I’m finding my way.
In that instant, I remembered it is okay that I’m currently finding myself. It’s okay I’m on a sabbatical from my career path. It’s okay that I don’t have someone I love sharing my bed each night. It’s okay to just embrace the journey and learn a little about myself.
A wise man and life coach called it a “Development Detour.”
I am evolving. I know now what I am. I know now what I am not. I know now what I want to become—at least more than I did yesterday. I’m on the right path.
I am figuring out what I want. I am finding clarity and specificity in what I want, which will doubtless lead to me finding my purpose.
And synchronicity is assuring me I’m moving in the right direction, and nudging me when I stray.
I am in the wilderness, and this is fine.

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