Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 7:41 am
Relationship = Plague?

Ok, so it's time to write something.
First, let me apologize for the stupid survey yesterday... i guess i found it and i was curious about how much of a tv-o-phile i am... and it would appear i'm more than the list could possibly show. It is sad i noticed so many omissions.
And thought of SOOO many more on the drive home last night!
Second, i've been working on moving on. I've discovered it isn't reasonable to state anything resembling the fact i might be moving on... because i've done that in the past only to have a really bad day after.
Let me just say that some days are better than others. I try not to think about it too much... and instead focus on my new playmates, potentials and friendlies.
In the end, i'll probably come out on top... and maybe even smelling like a rose. After all, i'm not the one who walked away from my true love for such shallow reasons as money, distance, or temptation... so i won't have to live with the knowledge of having walked away from my soulmate for the rest of my life.
And i've always considered myself to be a shallow person. Weird!
My English professor said something interesting to me not long ago that helped me regain some of my focus. She said that my work is not the plague, the relationship was the plague. I should work to get through the plague.
I suppose i still think that calling our relationship the plague seems a little extreme... but i can see the parallels. Besides, she also told me that we tend to write through a crisis... which might explain the flood of posts beginning weeks ago and then tapering off.
However, i think i'm going to work on that. I've had a lot of things i've wanted to write about... just a combination of business, laziness, and new home-ownership has kept me away.
And my new disinterest in sitting in front of the computer. It's almost a hatred. It'll be interesting to see where that goes! =^)
Anyway, now that i've found something to look forward to, let's see what happens!

A Girl Like Me