Saturday, July 29, 2017, 1:57 pm
Doing it wrong

Why is it I insist on doing everything wrong. I consume all of these books with wonderful ideas and fantastic roads to change.
But I don’t change.
The old ways don’t work. But that’s what I do. I do it the way I’ve always done it. But it doesn’t work.
Makes me wonder if I am just stupid sometimes. What does it really take to wake me up?
I have all of the tools right in front of me. The tools to build a rich life. A life with money. A life with power. A life with women. And I know how to use them. I’ve used them before.
I used to rule the world, the seas would rise when I gave the word. Now in the morning I sleep alone, sweep the streets I used to own.
That song speaks to me. It has for a while now. It’s time to wake the fuck up. It’s time to get back on top of my game. Time to stop doing it the way I’ve always done it.
Take a chance. Use the tools. Make life great again.
Be bold. Be social. Be strong. And wake up!

Watts in a Tank