Tuesday, April 4, 2017, 7:49 pm
Low battery

Sometimes, I just have to ask myself how I’ll survive the vampires.
After finishing Quiet, I’ve learned why everyone seems to be a vampire. I’ve discovered that glorious solitude is actually something I need to recharge.
I now know why I frequently need naps after social interactions. Why I avoid questions from others and don’t ask any myself. Why even the briefest and most innocent interruption can disrupt my flow.
I’m just that introverted.
The book did provide some pointers on presenting an extroverted façade and how to plan li’l escapes to get through being social. Those will be put to practical use... definitely.
Overcoming myself is the biggest hurdle I’ve enountered since I’ve learned to be social over the last several years. I do remember when I was learning how to interact with others and carry a conversation, I’d find one of those moments of flow... and when I was in flow, I didn’t get tired. In fact, I slept less at that point of my life than ever.
Hmm... maybe that’s what’s wrong with my growth at this point. I haven’t pushed far enough outside of my comfort zone to hit flow. Without it, I just look forward to escape. To solitude. To a rainy day nap.
Time to step up that game, work on getting better again, and push myself to do things that make me uncomfortable. To grow. To re-adopt the mantra that pulled me through the dark times.
Be social.

Collective Soul