Tuesday, March 21, 2017, 12:42 pm
Abundance v. scarcity

One struggle that is my constant companion is the battle between the abundance and the scarcity mindsets. I know a lot of why I struggle with this is upbringing and my tendency to hang on to so many of my limiting beliefs... things that don’t make any sense, yet I can’t convince myself to let go of.
This is quite likely the one area I need to grow in the most. The biggest thing I need to get handled.
I get it though.
I grew up in a really small town. There weren’t many options for dating and/or fucking. If you do meet a girl you kind of like and you know just about all of the girls you’re not with, it encourages you to endure everything and stick with her through thick and thin.
And you put up with a lot of bullshit.
And you dread the idea of dating. Because when you live in a place with a shallow gene pool, you don’t have a lot of options. Correction, you don’t SEEM to have a lot of options. You really appear to live in a world of scarcity.
Then there’s jobs. Again, that overwhelming feeling of scarcity looms over you like a black storm cloud. You train yourself to endure a #shittyJob through whatever it may throw at you, because you know there’s nothing else out there. Nothing available. Correction, there SEEMS to be nothing else available.
You totally forget there is an entire WORLD out there.
Yes, it may require moving. It may require shifting outside of your comfort zone. It may require escaping from your current life. It may require escaping from all of the bad advice you’ll receive. It may even require escaping from your own mind.
Enter the abundance mindset.
I no longer live in a really small town. There’s no reason to become so attached to the outcomes that keep bringing me such misery... that keep bringing me false feelings of failure.
If my girl is no longer “doing it” for me, there’s always the next one. If my job is no longer rewarding, there’s always the next one. If I’m starting to feel like I’m failing my own life again... maybe it’s time to step outside of my comfort zone and realize there is so much more out there.
Life isn’t set.
Sure, the world needs ditch diggers too. Sure, many settle for working as ditch diggers.
And maybe they’re happy. And if they’re not, maybe they simply lack the ambition to do more. And if not, maybe they’re just afraid. And that’s okay.
But if you want change... real change... you need to start with yourself.
If your girl did you wrong, leave. “Next, please!”
If your job sucks, leave. “Next, please!”
If someone offends you, leave. “Next, please!” Seriously, it’s not my job to ensure I don’t offend you.
If you don’t like my blog, leave. “Next, please!”
Consider this: there is so much world out there you’ve never even experienced. Why settle for a destiny of unhappiness and the feelings of being trapped when someone who truly loves you, some gig that truly rewards you, and some life that truly inspires you may be as close as just around the next corner.
Or the next town.
Or Florida. Wyoming. Spain. Somewhere. It doesn’t really matter.
There is so much out there. Just be open to opportunity. And you’ll know. You’ll know when you’re happy.

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