Tuesday, August 30, 2016, 10:33 pm
Welcoming Zika

It’s about this time every summer that I’m done. I totally retreat indoors with the following mantra:
What can I say? They love me. I must be terribly tasty to them. And sensitive. Damned bites take two weeks to go away... if they don’t scar.
Today, I caught a glimpse of a headline... warning that Zika is now in the area. Thank you, media, for that. Is fear the only thing left to sell, now that the social justice warriors have won their war on sex?
Sadly, I know the answer to that...
What all of these “enlightened” souls don’t seem to get is that people are the plague on this world. If you look back at history—at all—all people have ever done is destroy this planet we live on.
Why shouldn’t the world fight back? Going beyond weather patterns, which are the planet’s best line of defense, why wouldn’t the world come up with such biological delights as plague, pneumonia, smallpox, polio, AIDS, bird flu, brain-eating amoeba, and Zika?
People are stubborn though. In the past, we’ve found many cures for these problems... but for how much longer? Curing disease doesn’t make real money. Treating disease does. But treating disease may be all those li’l germs need to maintain their foothold.
Plus, with no cure, the media can continue to sell the fear... more real money.
We should have killed all the mosquitoes. Now, maybe they’ll kill all of us.

Linda Ronstadt
Heart Like a Wheel