Saturday, May 7, 2016, 11:26 am
Embracing the inner evil queen

“Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?”
What a wonderful way to start the day. Think about it. Each day, you should get up, look in the mirror and ask the question... and realize that it’s you.
The entire world begins with you. On the surface, it may seem narcissistic, but if you dig deeper, starting the day with a good look at your self—loving yourself and embracing your flaws every single day, you enable yourself to love from within.
And from this love, you truly can change the world.
It’s very much like seeing the matrix. Who you are at this moment is who you are. Accept it and you’re prepared to make your world better, which in turn makes everyone’s world better.
Maybe this sounds fluffy, but take a step back and think about it. Real change starts with the man in the mirror.

Stone Temple Pilots