Saturday, April 2, 2016, 11:13 am
time to stop the killing... to stop the vampires

The past few years have been a genuine struggle. I’m certain a large part of it I’ve brought on myself, but it’s become tiresome nonetheless.
I’ve been just trying to keep it together while falling apart.
It’s time to fix what’s wrong with my life. It’s time to get away from the vampires... and to slay the vampire within.
More than ever, I’m convinced that vampires are real. No, I don’t necessarily believe in the blood sucking fiends from beyond the grave, but vampires definitely exist.
Vampires that suck energy and life-force from me.
I’m working to improve myself and my life quality again, and in doing so, I’m become increasingly aware of my surroundings. And aware of the people around me who are there solely to drain me down to their level.
People who hate everything. People who complain about everything. People who are blameless in everything. People who are victims in everything. People who do nothing to improve him or herself, because there is nothing to improve. Special snowflakes.
People who think the world must change to suit them, yet don’t realize the change begins with them.
I know them well, because in many ways I’m still this person... this vampire. I’d slain him before. Even though I’m afraid he’s stronger this time, I can slay him again. I must.
I must change. I can feel the flame of passion reigniting within me. I want to live life again... rather than letting life live me.
I must escape the vampires. I must stop letting the vampires surround me. I must slay the vampire that has grown within me.
I must own my own energy again.
I must do this.

White Town
Women in Technology