Monday, December 29, 2008, 1:50 pm
Aged... like a fine bourbon...

Yikes, another year has slipped away.
Ok, perhaps slipped isn't the right word. It has been quite an amazing year.
I know, right?
The next will only be better. I can honestly say, I'm improving with age... and so is life. Is everything where it needs to be? Not quite. However, each day I can smile is so much better than either the "before time" or the "dark time."
During the last year, I discovered something inside myself I never realized was there. I've learned how to turn on the charm with anyone. I've become social. I've made another major stride towards my education goals, which in turn will contribute to my career goals.
I even managed to meet my favorite actor, and managed to walk away without making a total ass out of myself... and additionally, discovered she is just a girl, a very shy, very talented, very beautiful girl.
I discovered Facebook... which is both rewarding and utterly evil. Who knew? Anyway, social networking can be fun, and I'm hopeful it will enable me to keep in touch with my college classmates when classes are in my rear-view mirror.
I've made some investments toward improving myself and my stake in this world. They say this economy sucks... well, I'm just positioning myself to ride the wave back up!
OMG! And then there was Greece!
However, I'd be lying if I said everything this year has been roses and sunshine. The job still sucks, but I keep hanging in... hopeful of the doors that will open in May when I get the piece of paper. I still cannot believe I've been denied interviews based solely on that degree... but I digress.
There's the weight gain. I'm now approaching 180, and I've been unable to slow it down. That sucks! I'm heavy enough to where my knees and back are causing problems again. Working out is less fun, since I cannot go for a run afterwards.
I've tried... the knees don't care for pumping that much weight. Bleah.
The ex is providing a source of confusion and amusement. I don't even know what to think about her. She calls and texts and begs me to email her. Then after I do, she disappears for a week or two.
I know I don't want to get back together with her... however, her realization of her past mistakes and hearing about where her life is now amuses me.
So, I'm a little evil. Perhaps I shouldn't be toying with her. Although, getting sucked back into her web and then out again might help with dramatic weight loss.
Hell, it worked the last time!
This year, there have been other girls. Some, I'm unsure where things went wrong... others, I know exactly what went wrong. Since I've realized there are so many more girls out there... it doesn't affect me in the same way.
And THAT is a good thing!
Happy birthday to me...

David Lee Roth
Eat 'em and Smile