Friday, December 12, 2008, 4:07 pm
That "WOW" moment...

Ever have anything so surreal happen that you wanted to write about it, but somehow couldn't put it into words?
Well, a few weekends ago, I had the opportunity to meet someone I've wanted to meet for many, many years. In October, it finally happened.
Mia Kirshner toured through Madison, WI for the Wisconsin Book Fair to promote her new book I Live Here, which
is a raw and intimate journey to crises in four corners of the world: war in Chechnya, ethnic cleansing in Burma, globalization in Mexico, and AIDS in Malawai. Threaded throughout these accounts is Mia's intimate travel narrative, brought vividly to life in collaboration with writer J.B. MacKinnon and designers Paul Shoebridge and Michael Simons. [Taken from the press release]
Now, I know what you're thinking. Mia Kirshner is an actor. True, but she has made the time over the last several years to pursue something she's passionate about, and this book is the result of that passion. She is presenting the lives of these displaced people and refugees. It's a very powerful book.
I've been a fan of Mia Kirshner for a long time. I first discovered her in a quirky independent film called Exotica, and I was mesmerized. The film was very dark, with multi-faceted elements of mystery entangling all of the characters. Anyway, her portrayal of Christina in that film was simply amazing.
However, in 1995 there was very little information available on her, and the Internet was not the smorgasbord it is today... which led me to start a little fan site.
The fan site evolved over time and drew the attention of thousands of fans, and even Mia herself at one point. It is through the site that I was contacted about the book release and the impending book tour.
So, I combed the schedule to see if she was coming to this area, and then worked the math to see if the cities she was stopping in were viable. Austin, TX and Madison, WI stood out as the closest to the Kansas City area. Since her appearance in Madison was on a Sunday, I decided to book a room and take a road trip.
I arrived in Madison on Saturday night, so I could find the addresses I would need, and to take in some desperately needed decompression time in a college town. I found the address of the place listed on the press release, and then hit State Street for a pub crawl.
Sunday morning, I showed up at the address only to find the doors to the venue locked. Needless to say, a bit of panic stirred up in me. How stupid is it to drive this far and to miss actually meeting her for some stupid reason? I pulled out my iPod Touch and desperately looked for an Internet connection to search for answers. After ten minutes of not being able to find a valid link, I began wandering down State Street. I passed a coffee shop with free Wi-Fi... still no connection. Even purchased a chai tea to get the passcode... still nothing. So I moved down the block and found a shop with a sign in the window inviting book fans in.
I rushed in and asked the clerk a "stupid question." I asked her where the book fair was, and she stated it was all over town. At that point I was really hoping I wouldn't have to drive somewhere I hadn't scouted. Then she produced a tabloid promoting the book fair, and I asked if I could take a look at it. Scanning it, I found that she was speaking and signing for about 90 minutes at a theatre... that just happened to be right in between the coffee shop and the book shop I had just visited.
So, by the time I arrive, I'm twenty minutes late. I slipped into the back of the auditorium, and watched her. She was so passionate as she spoke about her project, yet it was clear she's uncomfortable with public speaking. No one was taking pictures, so I didn't snap any either. I just sat, listened, and watched.
After the Q & A, there was a small break, and she sat next to her books and began working the line through. While the line was moving, I was making the acquaintance of a fine young lady named Kate. I told her my story, and asked her if she'd be willing to snap some photos when we were up, and she agreed.
When my turn came up, I was much calmer than I thought I would be. She asked who she was signing it for, so I gave her my first name. Then I mentioned the "little" website, and she turned, looked me right in the eye and addressed me by my full name.
Then she said, "I have to give you a hug!" and jumped up and gave me a hug. She was very, very appreciative of the support I (and my website) have given her over the years, and she even apologized for fear she'd disappointed me with some of the movies she'd taken.
At that point, I realized how surreal it is to be someone who's a celebrity to someone else. I appreciated her for the real person that she is, and I really enjoyed chatting with her for the next fifteen minutes or so. She signed my book personally, and Kate snapped away. She even told me that she would have to tell her mother she finally met me.
That blew me away... and I think my mental state started so slip a little. I still feel bad, because I completely forgot to say goodbye to Kate (actually, I'd planned on waiting for her and talking more)... although I'm fairly certain I thanked her for the photos.
She couldn't stop saying, "Wow!" and said it was "great great to finally meet me." After a few stories, and a few more hugs... it was time to go. I've been told I have to learn to share.
At least, I walked away an even bigger fan of Mia, the person... and certain that she thought I was cool too.
Surreal. Mindblowing. Awesome. Finally!