Wednesday, August 20, 2008, 12:48 pm
Stepping in the right direction...

So, what has changed since I started blogging... besides my apparent recent lack of interest in blogging.
I’ve grown as a person. I’m less narcissistic, which means I’m less needy and feel whole. This was an absolutely essential transition I needed to make. To think that someone else “completes you” is utter rubbish. Something else... even more so!
Honestly, I now know you have to find yourself and be content with yourself before you can have any successful relationship... which will significantly raise the bar for any potential mate I choose to hook up with.
I’ve learned how to stop worrying. It is absolutely amazing how not worrying about all these little things that are out of my control has affected my mood swings. It seems that the line “just smile a little smile and say, ‘I never did mind about the little things,’” was spot on.
I’m learning to detach myself from outcome. Ah, the joys of having an analytical mind. I see a girl I’d like to get to know better... and off it runs! Within seconds, my mind has processed everything that can happen in my interaction with the young lady, which only succeeds in idealizing her, petrifying me... and we both lose. Getting to know her is the object, why speculate on what may or may not happen?
After all, why would I want to spend a lot of time with someone with a bangin’ body if she’s annoying the piss out of me?
I’ve changed my attitude on dating. I think it is sad that so many couples have one date and like each other just enough to become exclusive! Tell me, what’s wrong with meeting new girls every night, seeing four or five, and having the one you enjoy most eventually standing out? Really, wouldn’t this lead to a lower divorce rate if people would play the field more... and realize there isn’t anything wrong with it?
I don’t care what others think. This is totally non-narcissistic... because the narcissist needs others’ approval to even survive. I know this first hand, so this is a strange new territory for me. What’s simply amazing is the fact that by not caring whether I offend people or not, I’m more genuine, and more attractive. Who knew?
So, will I continue blogging with so little negativity in my life? Time will tell.

Vanessa Hudgins