Tuesday, May 27, 2008, 7:57 pm
Off to Greece...

Somewhere over the Atlantic, Tuesday
Greece. Whenever I think about Greece, it conjures up images of tall, white, stone columns, ruined architecture and Laurence Olivier. What can I say, too much Clash of the Titans when I was a kid.
However, I don't expect to see Laurence Olivier (is he still with us?), nor do I expect to see Zeus. The ruined architecture, and the tall, white, stone columns, however, oh yes. Of course, I wouldn't mind running into a sexy Greek brunette wielding a crossbow.
So clearly, movies have played a large role in my perceptions of Greece. Beyond the movies, I don't have a frame of reference to rely upon. It's so amazing to imagine what I'm going to see.
As someone who's never been outside of the States, it's safe to say I've never seen anything man-made that's over 300 years old. Now I'm going to be seeing architecture that's been around for thousands of years. I'm going to see buildings seen by the likes of Alexander, St. Paul, Byron. Pretty mind-blowing actually.
I'm hoping to hone my photographic abilities during this trip. I've been a bit lax lately with my camera, and since I've gone digital I haven't made the investment in lenses that I have for my old Canon AE.
But I digress. There are so many things to look forward to on this adventure. There's the Greek cuisine, the friendly people, the escape from the oppressive American culture, and... hopefully... so many lovely ladies to meet.
The days will be fascinating, yet the nights will be what I'm craving. Either way, both are sure to create the experience of a lifetime!