Tuesday, June 24, 2008, 8:54 am
Looking up a high school sweetheart...

I've been having a lot of fun asking girls I meet to guess my age when they ask. Overall, I've been pleasantly surprised. A few have nailed it, but others have taken almost ten years off of my life.
Not too bad, right?
This morning, I must admit that I was bored and avoiding coming in to work, so I was poking around MySpace. I made some new friends on my trip to Greece, and I wanted to see if I should friend them up.
Then I had an impulse... spurred by a dream I had last night and a Bill Withers song stuck in my head, so I looked up that girl from high school. You know, the one who just makes the rest of the world disappear. The one with the gorgeous body, those amazingly soft lips, those doe-y brown eyes that penetrate your soul.
Yeah, that one.
Now, I'd like to think that I'm not terribly shallow, although I am obviously shallow to a point. After all, there has to be a reason I seem to have an entourage of 23-year-old girls everywhere I go.
She doesn't look a day under forty. Here I am being told I look like I'm 27... I guess maybe there is some truth to the "fountain of youth" benefits of living in a humid climate!
I must say I'm a bit shocked... and numb. I don't really know how I feel about this.
Oh well, I'm sure I'll get over it. However, I've been wondering about getting in touch with her. Should I? I've been curious... after all we were close for four years during high school.
Or should I just let the past lie? That's been working well for me lately as well...

Billy Idol
Charmed Life