Tuesday, June 17, 2008, 3:28 am
Air travel...

I suppose I've been fortunate up to this point. As someone who's traveled a fair amount over the years, I've never been caught in air travel purgatory.
Until now, that is.
After nineteen fabulous days in Greece, I'm sitting in the Philadelphia International Airport waiting for a delayed flight, which may or may not be late enough to miss my connection in Arlington, VA. The non-stop flight last night was canceled.
Of course, there's a conspiracy theorist at the gate blaming petrol prices.
Actually, spending the evening in Philadelphia wasn't so bad. The highlight was our lovely receptionist at the hotel.
I'm with a group, and tensions seem to be running high... which, is actually just adding to my amusement of the entire situation. After all, the sooner I get home, the sooner I have to go to work! Besides, why worry about things out of your control?
So, I'll be curious to see what the next 24 hours hold.

Samantha Fox
Samantha Fox