Wednesday, April 23, 2008, 2:14 pm

So, today I've been considering my opportunities. There are so many choices to be made in all aspects of life... each presenting its own array of opportunities.
Do I interview for this job? Should I purchase this house? Wow, that girl's hot! Am I drinking enough water?
People run into problems with opportunities when they get too comfortable. After all, sometimes change sucks... but if you think about it, it really is necessary. Even when we get comfortable with our job and our perceived station in life, all external factors... up to and including the job itself... remain fluid.
Everything is constantly in flux. People who want to succeed recognize this and use it to their advantage... they thrive on being uncomfortable.
Anything that causes discomfort... well, that's another opportunity!
For instance, yesterday I lost a potential turn of $3,000 on a deal, but I'm not upset... I'm excited, because I know the next one is right around the corner, and could be even bigger! Besides, I learned something from the experience. One of the books I've read lately emphasizes focusing on the experience, NOT the outcome.
Very wise words!
Last night, at the gym I engaged a cute gal in conversation for about twenty minutes, made her laugh, learned something about her, and still forgot to get the number. So I recognize that I still need some change too. Old habits... after all, I never asked for a number because a.) I hate phones, phones are evil, and b.) I have this old stigma that still lingers when I'm on auto-pilot, "Why would she give me her number?"
Yes, I know why she would give me her number... and that she will if I ask, but I need to ask.
And there jobs out there. Jobs that will continue to support my law school endeavors. I just need to get my resumé out there. Keep my network working for me!
So, I happened upon a blog not long ago that featured fortune cookies. I think it is a neat idea, so I'm going to steal it... and therefore, when I dine out, I will feature my cookies here.
Without further ado... my fortune of the day. Well, yesterday... courtesy of the place with the most delicious Asian girls... erm... cuisine in town! =^)
Pause and enjoy it.

Ray of Light