Friday, April 11, 2008, 3:29 pm
Capricious wind...

When I was younger, we didn't have a lot of money. I remember a lot of frozen fish sticks and pot pies in the li'l aluminum pie pans. I also got a lot of hand-me-down stuff.
One thing I remember is the stacks of 70s Archie comic books. Nowadays, I'll still pick up an occasional Archie comic... because it's become kind of a "comfort" thing.
Plus, growing up poor... I could relate to Archie. There was a moment in high school not too unlike one in the comic. In this particular stub, Archie, Jughead and Betty are in Archie's jalopy and they pull up to a full service gas station. The attendant is banging his head against the pump, which attracts the manager's attention. They only want 15¢ worth of gas. Of course, the manager is cool with this, but then the attendant explains that they want to split it three ways. Still ok. Finally, the attendant mentions that "this one" (Jughead) wants to pay for his share with bottle caps... which results in the manager banging his head against the gas pump.
Anyway, I thought it was funny... but again, I could relate.
Today something happened to me that reminded me of a li'l Archie comic from that era, but I'd have never expected this to happen.
As I was leaving the Fine Arts Center today, I had my filled out sheet of homework in my hand. Well, the wind was a bit friskier than I was expecting, and snatched it right out.
Usually on a windy day, it stays low... but today the wind pushed it up. Higher and higher, I figured it was going to end up on the roof!
Since it was my homework, a friend from class and I followed it... only to watch it move farther, faster, and yes... higher. When we get to the clearing between buildings on campus, it starts moving around in a circle. Some girls on the second floor were watching this happen, as it got close enough to them they could probably read it.
What was I going to do? It wasn't an extremely valuable stamp, like in the comic book... but it was a handout with a homework assignment on it. One I had done, no less. How does that sound?
"Um, Ms. S. The wind blew my homework away."
Yeah right...
Anyway, I just stood on the sidewalk and watched it go around me in its teasing way.
Finally, on one of its laps, it gets caught in a down draft and is caught by a tree on campus.
On the bottom branch... within reach!
I got to the tree, just in time for it to break free, but I jumped anyway... and caught it.
So, all's well that ends well! No, it wouldn't have been a disaster... but getting it back was better than losing it.
Like John said afterwards... "Good times!"
Good times indeed!