Thursday, November 15, 2007, 8:41 am
Getting into the dating game...

Last night while I was out, the subject of dating came up. Apparently, my attitude on dating is the exception, rather than the rule.
Which boggles my mind! How can anyone be expected to find that "perfect" someone if he/she only dates one person at a time?
What is it about society's attitudes toward dating that leans toward seeing someone, as opposed to many someones?
Perhaps it is insecurity on the part of one of the parties... or maybe both parties.
My take on dating is this: there is nothing wrong with going out/hanging out with many girls. If you see one girl on one night, another on the following night, maybe stay home the third and see the first girl on the fourth night... then reserve the weekends for meeting new girls, that is what I would perceive as ideal. Or maybe it's a different girl each night of the week. But I don't think seeing the same girl more than twice a week is appropriate.
At least not in the beginning. After all, what happened to getting to know each other? If you get too serious before you really get to know each other, how do you possibly expect it to work? Why are you surprised when it all bursts into a fiery mass in a month, a year, ten years down the road?
At least by seeing more than one girl (and hopefully she's doing the same), you're getting to know many "potentials," and you have a better chance of finding that one special someone. In fact, she'll begin to stand out of the group... and you'll just naturally start spending more time with her.
That is what dating's about.
I hate this idea that you go out on a date with some girl... and you're "seeing each other" and you're suddenly not allowed to see anyone else? Who came up with that? Some needy and jealous guy/girl... I'm sure. If it's truly working and you really like each other, you'll naturally come back to each other?
Is that such an unreasonable concept?

Love at First Sting