Wednesday, November 14, 2007, 10:22 am
Can men and women be friends?

Some weirdness going on.
Today, the ex called. Just to talk... and to apologize for being such a jerk.
Her word... perhaps not the one I would have picked.
So, what do I think about this? Well, it does seem a bit odd. I don't know how long the conversation would have lasted had the snowstorm in her part of the world not zapped her cell phone reception. I would guess not too much longer.
She updated me on her life... I didn't really have a lot to say. She did ask how I've been, and I had to answer honestly. It's been pretty fabulous!
I still believe I'm better without her than I was with her. So, why did I take the call? Curiosity, I suppose.
Yes, I know what they say about curiosity... but I figure if I'm comparing myself to a cat, I've still got a few lives left in me. And maybe each time, I'll be less of a wuss! =^)
So, now this question has popped up in my head. Can we still be friends? I have fair to strong friendships with every other ex... at least the ones who have stayed in the loop. There is one I've lost track of, and I'm not terribly willing to ask the people I'd have to ask to find her.
Besides, I'm not that interested in "finding" anyone. That implies that there is some shortage of women in the world... which is absurd.
What about that lovely barista at Starbucks? The single mom in the checkout line at the grocery store? The bouncy cocktail waitress who grabs my ass?
Then there's my dance partner, my wing-girls at the club, my favorite history major who works at the gym... so many women.
So little time!
So, why work on a friendship with the ex? Good question.
There are really only three things I care about: money, the pleasures that come with money, and women. A friendship with someone who burned me so badly doesn't really fit into the game plan... but on the other hand I do need to take more risks.
Perhaps, I'll look at it like a business deal. I'll go into it with an exit strategy in mind, only after making a list of profits and losses.
Maybe I just won't put that much thought into it... and see what happens.
However, I refuse to speculate on her agenda. I have some hunches, because I have learned a LOT about women since the "before time," so it'll be crucial to keep my shields up.
And I'll have to TiVo "Pushing Daisies" tonight... as I have to meet a couple of ladies tonight. Certainly, the best show on television since "Wonderfalls!"
