Tuesday, October 30, 2007, 2:14 pm
Yes, but will there be gin?

So, I've been invited to this hallowe'en party tomorrow night. It was originally going to take place at the club, but after it's closing, one of the club girls moved it to her house.
Should be fun, right?
Of course, my ideas are frequently quite late. I've been trying to figure out where I can find an English bowler... with no luck. My costume doesn't require it, but it would add a nice touch to it.
And I'll have to work on my British accent tonight. It's been a while since I've used it, and I would like for it not to suck tomorrow night.
Today, I grabbed a quick sandwich from my favorite coffee shop, and exchanged my usual banter with "Amy." She got a kick when I told her what I was going to dress up as, and she told me she wanted to be a slutty school girl, but she doesn't do heels, so she opted to go heavy on the bling, get a grill and be a wannabe sista.
She's cute... she can probably pull it off. I wonder if she'll take pictures?
Today, I've started the wheels in motion on planning trips to Greece, Hungary and Argentina. I'm not sure which order they will occur in, but it's never too early to start planning. At least the Greece trip is set in stone, but since it is part of a university course... it is also the most expensive and causes the most concern.
Right now, anyway... but let's see if we can't change that! ;^)
So, tonight I have a class, then the annual lecture at the university regarding the social history of the vampire... that I wouldn't miss on a bet! Then I need to pick up some hair coloring for tomorrow.
There are a couple of places I may be able to find a bowler in town yet. We'll see if I can find one. I haven't tried Sally Ann's yet.
Should I be concerned that my soda is chewy? I guess the fridge is set a wee bit on the cold side.
Finally, I'm guessing tomorrow night's party would be a fabulous night to bring along the ingredients for a Vesper martini. I hope she has gin... perhaps I'll send her a quick text and find out. ;^)
