Friday, October 26, 2007, 11:03 am
Everyday is an experience...

So, I've been going through another stretch where I just haven't felt like writing. This weekend, that'll change... because it'll be time to stick my nose back into my history projects.
At least I'm returning to some semblance of normalcy. I've returned to the gym, I've attempted to stop skipping meals, and my sleep is beginning to balance back out.
I haven't gone out and socialized, however. I'm not going to say that is a bad thing. It will be, and I'll need to begin my quest for a new place to hang out, but for now, I'm cool with it.
In lieu of clubbing, though, I'll at least need to put myself in social situations. I need to keep building my comfort level with being social. When I'm spending a great deal of time alone at the house, it is way too easy to get back into my old thought patterns and habits.
Way too easy. And waaaay less fun.
For instance, one fun thing that I've realized lately is that women don't like to be ignored. Just the other day, I was visiting my favorite coffee shop and ordering a sandwich from a girl I'd never seen there before.
From her behavior, she thought I wasn't funny, or I was just an ass, or something. Anyway, I wasn't getting anywhere with my flirting. Not a big deal... I've learned that some girls just aren't "fun."
Anyway, "Amy" returns to behind the counter from her break, and we start chatting. The conversation goes from iPods to cars to money to jobs... which for someone who used to hardly have two words for me, is pretty impressive. Anyway, this brought the new girl into the conversation... but the impression I was getting was that she didn't want to get left out of it. She even got pretty pushy about staying in it.
Of course, I just found it all amusing. Really, everything is very amusing when you look at it from the right angle!
So, there are benefits to being social. I have to say I'm learning more now than ever before... which is a good thing, and the pay off will be incredible! =^)

Tears for Fears