Wednesday, October 24, 2007, 1:55 pm
And I'm back...

So, for the most part, I've been flying under the radar for the past several weeks. I spent a couple of weeks holed up in my home working fervently on my history project... to a point where I just kind of broke down last week.
No, not a nervous breakdown. Just to the point where I needed to stop. I needed to get my life back.
Friday and Saturday night were both spent at the club. Just another couple of fun nights... but with the dark cloud looming overhead.
Early Sunday morning, when everyone was finally leaving, it was like the last day of high school... except no one wanted to leave. Some of the girls were crying.
But everyone will survive. That much is certain. Maybe, someday, there'll be some place else to go as well.
Today, I attended a luncheon at the university. The luncheon's purpose was to promote the summer class which includes a trip to Greece.
Now, I've been very excited about the prospect of overseas travel for a long, long time... and now my opportunity is here. Three weeks in the magical isles.
How much fun will that be? Waiting until next May might just prove to be a difficult task, but three full weeks in a foreign land. Imagine the possibilities!
Something to look forward to!
And, as if I didn't have enough to look forward to... there is a new Harold and Kumar movie due out next year! The trailer is available at What would NPH do?
Yes, that movie is on one of my lists. =^)

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