Friday, October 19, 2007, 12:37 pm
Like nowhere else... in town...

Today, I'm in mourning. I just learned that my favorite club... which I haven't been to in the past few weeks... is closing Saturday night.
I have a date Saturday night in Kansas City, so I won't even be there for the big blowout.
So, it looks like I'll be going out tonight. I'll need to take advantage of my VIP status one last time, before it's gone. There are no other clubs like this in the area, so if I really want to continue with the club scene I'll probably have to move.
Which I wouldn't mind doing anyway... It seems like I already know too many of the ladies here. I want to live somewhere where I can virtually meet someone new every night for a year.
That would be fun, wouldn't it?
However, there just aren't any bars in town that I enjoy. I have a friend who says that I'm not very adaptable, which is a fair statement. I do need to be more adaptable. However, do I have to like sports bars? It was fun hanging out in a club when the ladies are ALWAYS dressed up... and now that will be gone.
So, tonight I'll have to go and see if I can get some phone numbers. Where will I find the few ladies I've counted on seeing at the club?
At least I wasn't the last to find out... but I'm still sad.
Maybe someone will buy it and continue provide this rarity. If only I had the resources, I would.
I'm afraid that would take more than a PayPal Donate button on the page, though. Ideally, I'd like to be able to buy it as a project that can run with a reasonable net loss... just to keep it as it is today.
Oh, did I mention that this is the place that helped me through the rough patch last summer? Didn't think so. Funny how a place can mean so much after such a short amount of time.
C'est la vie...

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