Wednesday, October 17, 2007, 2:18 pm
Embracing my inner geek...

So far, all of my efforts to recover my priceless iTunesDB file from my iPod have proven fruitless. It looks like I'll be starting over in training my mp3 players to know what songs I like more than others.
I wonder how difficult it will be since I want to "auto-update" which means each change will be synced with my Mac.
I am debating using my last known good backup of iTunesDB... from my iPod woes last winter when the problem was reversed... the DB file was fine, but the songs were missing.
All that will be lost is the summer. Let's see, what happened since last winter in music.
Umbrella happened, which propelled Rihanna into the stratosphere. I discovered club music, Regina Spektor and Feist. Ozzy, Avril and Kelly each released new albums. I rediscovered the first Pet Shop Boys album as well as Bryan Ferry. I saw Casino Royale, which instantly landed in my Top-20, and I fell in love with the soundtrack. I *finally* added Exposé's Exposure to my 80s collection. And spring, then summer came with no new album from Rachael.
And apparently, I hated most of the music I added to my iPod in August... with the exception of my rediscovery of Elvis and my introduction to Lisa Marie's music.
So, not much... however there is the question of what to do about the songs that I've listened to SOOO many times that I still like them, but I'm pretty burned out on. Last month, I'd added the perfect smart playlist to accommodate those. Since those songs are old timers, restoring from that backup file will identify them.
Yeah, that's the ticket.
I have to admit that my curiosity got the best of me last night... and now I can read my email, check the weather, take notes, and utilize Google maps... all from my iPod.
Plus, I can play NES games... which is fun. =^)
Which means I need to revive the brick. This new iPod has too many distractions (one of my original fears about owning an iPod video), so I'd like to have another option... especially for those boring days at work.
Kinda like this one. I do wish it would stop raining. Bleah!

Hall & Oates