Monday, May 15, 2006, 10:37 pm
Losing faith...

I still can't help wonder how something so perfect could go so wrong.
The last six months i was more in love with her than i have ever been. I guess i didn't convey that very well... because she didn't believe i was totally into the relationship.
Perhaps she lost faith because she thought i did.
I know i'm dwelling, but i think i'm starting to move on. I know i wasn't totally to blame, and i never gave up on us... but maybe i didn't do enough.
And now i'm just so totally worried about her, because i still recall the stories she told me of her life when we were apart for two years... before the devotion and love and wonder!
Now i just have to have faith... faith that she will be ok, that she will not give in to temptations, will not be a victim of her own naivete, and faith that time will heal these wounds. Faith that she will see i always loved her and that i would do anything for her.
As well as faith that i will move on... and keep her fond memory in my thoughts. And faith that i can give her the time she needs...