Monday, September 24, 2007, 12:28 pm
Information overload...

How did the joke go? The high school student raises her hand, and when called upon, asks, "May I be excused, Miss Snook? My brain is full."
That's how I feel. Ok, I'm not worried about getting anymore information in there, but I am worried about making sense of what's in there and what is yet to come.
It just feels like I've been processing and processing and processing. Like when you're annoyed because your computer is running slow and that hard drive light just won't go out.
Yeah, it feels kinda like that. I didn't even go out this weekend... just didn't feel like it.
So, it would appear that my social education is about to slow down a bit. It's going to have to. I have got to get some of this information figured out, so I can get this stuff handled.
It's affecting my eating, my schoolwork, and my sleep.
Today's XKCD made me laugh... because it always seems so relevant! If my work schedule were more flexible, I'd love to try this sleep cycle out... despite the disclaimer that it would drive me "stark raving mad."
Small price to pay, isn't it? ;^)
In one of the books I recently finished, someone was working on what he called the "sleep diet." This "diet" he spoke of refers to polyphasic sleep, which is based on our 4-hour ultradian rhythms. You sleep for 20-30 minutes every four hours, and it gives you more "awake" time in the day, because you average two and a half hours of sleep per day.
Supposedly, if you stick with it for 10 days, you've got it made... although some symptoms include grumpiness, lack of focus and increased appetite.
I probably shouldn't try it, since I already have a problem with those. ;^)
I have to do something though. I didn't go out this weekend, under the premise of getting things done around the house, getting to the library, working out, etc.
Well, I didn't do any of that... instead I did more mind-feeding. No wonder my brain is "full" and I cannot concentrate.
I cannot get into the zone.
Ok, let's re-frame that.
What can I do to get into the zone?
Perhaps I should start with a sleep diet? =^P
Friday night, I did go out to the gym. Of all I've been working on, my workouts are currently the most consistent. "Faye" was there, and we ended up talking for a half hour. We talked about classes, homework and somehow our conversation segued into pizza and milk. She's been showing interest for a while, but now I wonder if it is too late to try to number-close with her... or anything else?
I'm afraid I've slipped into the "friend" zone with her, because I know she's a bit less wild than most of the girls I consort with... and I don't know how to escalate without creeping her out. If anyone can offer some suggestions, feel free!
Wow, perhaps I need to just dump all of this information I've read. Why? Because I'm clearly overthinking everything again. I'm focused inward again, constantly trying to sort out everything.
I need to focus outward, and let the world slip away... get in the zone.
So, now that I know what I need to do... it's time to do it.

Liz Phair