Friday, September 21, 2007, 1:13 am
Time zones...

Ok, let me start this post by stating that I abhor reality television. I think it is both pathetic and sad some of the stuff people will watch. Survivor is the worst, and least believable, followed by The Apprentice and The Bachelor/Bachelorette.
Now, I have to admit that I've never seen the shows that started this craze... chiefly The Real World. Of course, I'm of the mindset that I'll start watching MTV if they actually get back to the videos.
However, I always enjoyed the show Blind Date, which used to annoy and irritate the ex to no end. I think I liked it because it featured average frustrated chumps like myself, and it was fun to watch what worked and what didn't.
And just how pathetic and needy some guys actually are... even the great-looking ones!
Then I started watching The Surreal Life, but that was mostly morbid curiosity. There were no eliminations, just a bunch of has-beens trying to co-exist for a few weeks. Looking back, the premise is pretty weak, which probably explains why I stopped watching after one season.
This past summer, I settled into watching The Simple Life, which mostly passed for mindless entertainment in a void of television entertainment. I don't recall a summer in recent history during which I had nothing to watch on television. Besides, as I've mentioned before I have this fascination with Paris.
For what it's worth, I don't remember much of last summer at all... which is probably just as well.
A week ago, I started "catching up" on the first elimination-based reality show I've ever watched. Part of it was curiosity, part of it fascination, and part of it was an eagerness to see what AFCs do to fix what doesn't work... and what they do that works.
Enter The Pick Up Artist. VH-1 threw 8 average guys together for boot camp with master pick up artist, Mystery. I must say, I've been thoroughly entertained, and I was accurate at picking out the final three from the first episode.
A couple of the guys I was sad to see go, because their mistakes remind me of so many of mine, others were unimpressive or asses, and shouldn't have lasted as long as they did.
One was an extraordinarily obnoxious ass, and I would have knocked him on his ass more than once had he pulled some of that shit on me. Seriously.
I'm not even a violent person!
Anyway, I just finished the last episode, and something that was said hit me... largely because my acting instructor mentioned the exact same thing on Wednesday night. Now I'm writing it down, because I cannot count on the fates to drive the idea home one more time... and I cannot risk losing it forever.
It is the reason I need a passion for what I am doing at the moment. No, not this moment, that moment when I'm doing something important. Doing something that ignites my passions to where my inner thoughts and the surrounding environment both dissolve.
And time literally slows down. Like the football player in the zone, he sees the action slow enough to do what needs to be done. And the boxer. And the actor.
And me.
This is why I find my acting class so fascinating. It isn't the women, it isn't the idea of getting on stage... it's learning to get in the zone and get it done.
I'm finally getting it! It's about damned time! =^D

Janet Jackson
Rhythm Nation 1814