Wednesday, September 19, 2007, 12:13 pm
Music, girls and the gym

I have been spending some time re-organizing iTunes. Why? Well, my nano is perpetually full and frequently doesn't allow the changes I try to make in my workout music.
Then, there is the new toy. I'll need to figure out how I'm going to handle that music collection by next month.
Anyway, I've been getting some smart playlist ideas from the forums at iLounge. Some of them do some magical things in iTunes, but my old 3G iPod does less magical things after the songs play.
One playlist that is suiting me quite well is titled '1 Hour Fresh Mix'.
My iPod appears to be caught up on sleep... the battery is running between five and six hours again, which is enough to get me through a work day with time removed for interruptions/meetings/other b.s.
Last night, I managed to get in a good back workout. I'm finally managing to get back into a routine, which should help.
I have to admit that I'm a bit freaked out. I'm at that stage where I'm gaining weight. However, my 28-inch jeans still fit (quite comfortably, in fact!), so I don't think it's "fat" weight.
That will take some getting used to. I'm the heaviest I've been in the last year, but at least I'm not "out of shape" and not too heavy to continue my running.
And I saw 'A' at the gym last night. It seems she missed me, because the first thing she said after I made her smile was, "Haven't seen you here in a while."
I like her, we'll have to see how things turn out.
Also last night, I realized my stack of books "to read" must have ended up in my basement, so I just grabbed one off of the shelf and started it. We'll see how it goes.
The last couple of books have given me plenty to think about (which may surprise some!), and I intend to post comments on them in the near future.
Tonight, my acting class meets. Words cannot describe how much I'm looking forward to it. If any class were to offer me a "transformational experience," this would be the one.

Aldo Nova
Aldo Nova