Monday, September 17, 2007, 1:50 pm
Getting past the doubts...

This weekend consisted of a stream of reminders why I've always been afraid to try new things.
Saturday night, I was told by a friend that I'm depressed. I thought it was funny, because I didn't feel depressed. Today, on the other hand...
So, maybe he saw it coming. However, I was able to turn my night around... until I did something stupid which ended the night quickly.
I'm not going to go into details. I'm just trying to get around it and move on. Let's just say that I tried something new and bad things happened.
I've been keeping an eye on a couple of friends who are "living the dream," and just kind of observing. I suppose you could say I have the attitude of, "If they can do it, I can do it."
Well, they are "doing" it, but the results aren't anything stellar... or really even what I'd expected.
Of course, my mileage may vary. And probably will.
For now, I'm just concentrating on the highlights of the weekend. "Mary" surprised me on Saturday night with an immediate IOI, which I didn't blow... so that's a good thing. I also met a lovely girl on extended holiday from Dublin (don't tell her boyfriend, but she doesn't intend to go back), got reacquainted with another lovely young gal from a previous history class, and eased some of the doubts a friend of mine has that I can approach women.
Sunday, I ventured out of the house because I was craving some white-Mexican food ("Mexican" food made by white people, statement not intended to be negative or derogatory... it is merely a fact that it is different from authentic Mexican food), and discovered that the place isn't open on Sundays. So much for living in the modern age.
So, I made the trek across town from there for my usual Chinese take-out location... they took the day off.
I ended up with a crabmeat sub sandwich... which was very tasty, even if it wasn't my first choice.
The Target was also out of Diet A&W Root Beer... which always seems to be the case when it goes on sale. Why is that? Do I really have to get up at the ass-crack of dawn just to get some Diet Root Beer?
I spent the rest of the day watching "self-improvement" DVDs and reading one of my homework assignments. Even though I'm a bit in the doldrums today, I did get something out of those DVDs... so that's a good thing.
Now if I could just fix my judgement. My perception these days isn't worth a shit!
Until I get over myself this time, I'll just keep putting my energy into rebuilding my playlists on my iPods.
At least I got a good laugh out of today's XKCD! It certainly brought back some memories from high school!
Walter Egan
Not Shy
on Friday, October 9, 2009, 6:31 pm
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