Friday, September 14, 2007, 12:20 pm
<7's need not apply

Last night, I made an observation. Actually, I'd been observing for several months now that hot girls don't wear Levi's.
In fact, every hot girl I've talked to lately has been wearing a pair of designer jeans. A couple have even been complimented on them.
I don't know if I'm becoming shallow with my fashion and looks obsession, but I don't really think it's going to matter at this stage of my life. So, I made a conscious decision to be shallow.
I'm not going to date anyone who isn't at least a seven. To put this in perspective, I would classify "C" as a 5.
But, she wore Levi's. For that I should dock her to a 4.5. However, in my defense, in that small town in the great white north I was overwhelmed by this sense of scarcity. I held onto her, because I thought she was the best I could do. At the time it was better than being alone.
Of course, I'll continue talking to everyone... that's all part of the game.
So, why did I pick seven? Why not just be a total ass and say nine or ten?
Because, and this will sound like a total ass, I haven't seen a ten around here... and there are very, very few nines.
Until I make that migration to Colorado, Arizona, or the Vegas... I'll settle for less. =^P
So, I will apologize to all of the "okay" looking girls for the opportunities they will be missing with me... but I'm sure we can still be friends. I'm not above being friends!
Besides, one can argue that there is no such thing as an ugly girl... only a lazy one. Anyone can make herself over into a nine or ten.
That's just who I am and how I feel. I don't make any apologies for it.

Katharine McPhee
Katharine McPhee