Wednesday, September 12, 2007, 1:08 pm

At ten, two and four...

It was time.

I've been staying away from caffeinated beverages at work for some time now. Check that, caffeinated sodas. My only indulgence over the last couple of months was a six-pack of Tab I brought back with me from the Vegas.

Why? Because, we can't get Tab here, silly!

Way back, in the before time, I gave up soda as a New Year's Resolution. At the time, I would easily drain a 12-pack of Mountain Dew every day. Oddly, I didn't do it because I saw that I was irritable, not sleeping well, or any of that. I just wanted to see if I could.

And I did fairly well, I made it until May of that year. What craving broke my will? Dr Pepper.

So, what craving did I indulge in today? Dr Pepper. Well, Diet Dr Pepper actually.

It makes me wonder... what is it about Dr Pepper that makes me crave it? It is definitely a unique flavor, but is it *that* unique?


I've decided I need to re-tap into what's important to me. Right now, I've got a lot of activities going on, and they are stretching me thin enough that I'm not sure just how much effort I'm putting into the activities.

I'm enjoying the dancing lessons, and I think I'm finding some grace inside of myself that is coming out on the dance floor... which is very cool.

Tonight, begins my acting classes in the Meisner technique, which is designed to free actors from mental barriers they possess, and focus on the reality of doing. Oddly, I'm not taking this class with aspirations of becoming a "stage performer," but rather because I believe it will allow me to make any venue my stage, and to focus only on the performance there.

To shed my self-consciousness... that is the reason why. This will definitely help in many aspects of my life!

Everyday, it becomes more and more apparent that my J O B is becoming significantly less important to me. In fact, I think it is safe to say that nothing I do there means anything... to anyone!

A sign that it is time to move on. To tap into my passions and follow them.

I became lax over the summer. My workout schedule is off, my eating habits aren't quite as proper as they should be (not gaining weight, not losing weight, but not eating on a regular schedule either). If I want that six-pack, I'd better get back on that! Perhaps I let myself get too pleased with the way I look.

I was told at the club a few weeks ago that narcissism looks good on me. Of course, I had to agree with her! =^)

What i'm listening to:
Maybe You've Been Brainwashed Too You Get What You Give
New Radicals
Maybe You've Been ...