Monday, September 10, 2007, 2:56 pm

Better than the senior prom...

As much as I've been waiting for winter, today's cooler weather caught me off guard.

I suppose it is time to get the blankets back on the bed and unveil the winter wardrobe. It's a good thing I look hot in turtlenecks!

And that I've got the "muffin-top" handled... for now.

Saturday night, I attended and photographed an 80s prom night at the local club. It was a lot of fun, and there were plenty of hot women out and looking very fine in their "thrift shop" prom dresses. My tux and Wayfarers did not fail to impress either!

I've fallen into a group... where I'm hanging out with this group of young ladies. It is nice having instant "social proof" when I walk into the club, which helps when I move on the other women.

"Mary" is even starting to warm up to me. I'll just keep ignoring her, see if she keeps trying to get my attention.

Otherwise, the weekend was largely uneventful. I spent the bulk of it doing homework and working on a side project for the theatre. I'm sure I'll make up for that this week. =^)

What i'm listening to:
Back to Basics Ain't No Other Man
Christina Aguilera
Back to Basics