Thursday, August 30, 2007, 1:42 pm
Through the straw?

So, last night I was going to stay in... do some homework, and just hang out... so, of course, I ended up going out to the club.
Interestingly enough, going out to the club is becoming both more and less of an experience. In many ways, it is less challenging. The bouncers, barkeeps, and owner all know me well now, so i'm kind of a VIP now... which is both awkward and cool.
I also know many of the young ladies who frequent the club... so I am able to build social proof fairly quickly to the girls I don't know, which is nice as well.
Last night, I was about to leave when "Paige," a young lady who worked there last summer when we met, wandered in with "Katie."
Paige and I have always had a certain something... which is nice and fun to run with, but Katie and I really hit it off.
We had some drinks, talked a bit... Paige was disappointed that I'm not a Sagittarius, Katie revealed some of her strange eating habits to me, and none of the BORING questions came up even once. There was even a bit of a debate regarding whether martinis should be sipped through a straw. (Of course, they shouldn't!)
We'll have to see what happens. I ended up hanging out with those pretty young ladies for a couple of hours, even venturing out to a neighboring sports bar.
It never ceases to amaze me how much game I have... especially on those nights when I go out and don't run game!
I'm not going to say that everything I did last night was perfect, but I'm still a young padawan... I still have so much to learn, and I did learn a bit from last night's experience. It's just more fun when it goes well than when it doesn't. =^)
Consider it a certaintly that Katie and I will meet again... and next time, I'll be even better than the last!