Wednesday, August 29, 2007, 12:45 pm
Taking the upper hand...

You think you're better than me? Oh, you're not better than me. You handle my ass pennies everyday. You pick up my ass pennies for good luck. You throw my ass pennies in fountains and make wishes on them. You give my ass pennies to your little daughter to buy gumballs with.
Several years ago, there was this bit on a skit-show called Upright Citizens Brigade. The definition of "ass pennies" is:
Pennies that are inserted into one's ass en masse and then distributed among the world in order to maintain the upper hand in negotiations.
Ok, so before you ask... no, I'm not resorting to this extreme to achieve the upper hand in my conversations. However, I have found that just thinking that the person I'm talking to has ass pennies in his or her pocket does give this sense of confidence.
Of course, there is something to holding onto the thought of "I can make you do things you've never imagined... and like it," when talking to the young ladies.
I can too... but I digress.
I'm still torn... an iPhone would be very, very nice, especially re-simmed to the T-Mobile network. But, the new iPod has to be very, very close. Apple's last iPod released happened in the late-summer, early-fall... and the iPod looks so outdated in the Apple store.
I do want a new phone though. Mine has had a terrible week and it looks like it's several years old suddenly. However, since I tend to drop phones, but not iPods... perhaps an iPhone is too much responsibility for me right now.
While I thought my Nokia phone was sexy a year ago when I bought it, less than a month after that, it started "peeling" as the rubber coating they put on it doesn't play nice with the fabric of pockets.
Last night, I had a good workout... combination of working the chest area with a two mile run/walk. I bumped into "Faye," who was in one of my history classes last year. She always gives me this look when she sees me, waves, and says, "Hi." We have yet to have the time to talk... a situation I intend to remedy soon. These opportunities need to stop slipping away!
Then there is "A," who was working in the gym last night and voiced her observation that I'm running at a much faster pace than I was last spring.
Also, last night, I discovered a bar that I'd never been into before. The drinks were strong, the girls were pretty, friendly and enjoyed talking about sex, and the jukebox had a decent selection on it... so I'll probably be back.