Tuesday, August 28, 2007, 2:51 pm
Cure for a bad day...

Food prices are going up... way up. Prices on the stuff we buy for fun (digital cameras, electronics and the like) have been falling. Good, that's why I'm having an iPod for dinner tonight.
So, what do you do when you're having a bad day?
Me? Well, I've discovered that a visit to a particular coffee shop always cheers me up. I don't know if it is that chai tea, the atmosphere, or the adorable barista who is so fun to flirt with.
I'll give you one guess. ;^)
She always brightens my day... which I still find cool, because I had the hardest time getting her to open up. I don't know how many times I ate or drank at that coffee shop when she wouldn't say two words... and now she's just very, very chatty.
Talking with her always improves my game.
It's been a while since I've managed to post anything. However, no one has noticed, so that's no big deal. Now that school is back in full swing, I can concentrate on this and only post when I feel like venting, gloating, or otherwise just want to talk to myself! =^)
Last Thursday, I was in an Apple store in Denver, and I played with the iPhone for the first time. It really is a sweet piece of technology... and great fun to play with!
Looking around the store, I made an interesting observation. Other than the MacBooks, the iPod is the only device in there that isn't brushed aluminum. In fact, the iPod is the MOST outdated piece in the entire store.
So is there something just over the horizon? I would say the odds favor it.
I'm ready!
I had a lot of fun "scent" shopping in the Flatiron Crossing Mall last Thursday afternoon. In case you don't know how to properly scent shop, this is what you do. You pick two great smelling colognes. Spray one on one wrist, the other on the other. Then, you go shopping. Every beautiful girl you encounter, you ask for her opinion. After you're done shopping, you buy the scent that was preferred.
Because, let's face it... if you want to attract a beautiful girl, they know how an attractive man should smell better than a man does! Plus, you get to meet a lot of great girls that way! =^)