Monday, August 20, 2007, 1:18 pm
No flakes

Did you ever have one of those weekends that just kind of hang on to you through the beginning of the week?
Last night, at a club, I met "Nique," a lovely young lady with amazing, long, and naturally curly hair. When I went out I hadn't intended to run game on anyone, but you know what they say about those nights when you're "not looking."
Nique loves lawyers, lawyer shows, strong hands and great back rubs. I told her a little bit about myself as well, but not too much. I'm still amazed at how well things went.
I won't go into details... beyond saying that Mr. Cairo made a new friend, and she has a piercing in a very interesting place.
And she has the softest lips... and hands...
I'm certain we'll meet again! =^D
Not too soon though, the "aftermath" is leaving me a little off of my game. Or is it?
Today is my first day back on campus. Call me crazy, but I'm taking ten hours in addition to my full time job. Add to that my dance class on Friday evenings and my theatre class on Wednesdays... it doesn't leave me with a lot of spare time.
However, I've met a couple of great gals in my dance class... and there are plenty of lovely ladies in my French class. That should be fun, because there will be a lot of interacting there.
If that isn't a perfect place for "game on," nowhere is! =^)
My history classes are bound to have new women as well... and I'm really looking forward to the theatre class, which starts after Labor Day.
Busy, busy boy... but happy!

Lisa Marie Presley
Now What